You dont have to write nothing. all you do is find interesting blogs on the web that you think others will real or view. thats it waaalaaaa. u make money . the more someone views the post or blog you make money, copy and paste a blog or post you find on the web and paste it on fanbox. share it and waalaaa u make money. look at my articles, posts, blogs. there are picture blogs u can make money also. find 20 pictures and make a post. create a free article on the pictures and waalaaa. hope this helped
Hi there Fan, pm me for tips ok hun. start posting & createing post using poems they really get more hits, view an ratings. Also rate postings daily for points for promoting your own articles an blogs.
Here’s where you rate postings, bookmark it:
Everytime you get a little extra money in your matured area to cash out. Dont cash out. Use that to promote your articles and blogs for the next months payout.
Here is my profile stuff:
And heres a Fanbox Earning Plan that might help you:
Keep posting and work daily rating & commenting on others postings. It all makes you money.
you dont have to pay for anything,
its just posting pictures and copying and pasteing blog,
and yes you make money.
Fanbox Rocks was here to Say You Rock!
Keep Up The Articles and start Posting
Have a swell day Friend
ty hun